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Current date and time:
2025-02-07 14:34

Hall of Fame

  Poland 326 
  Russia 258 
  Spain 199 
  Hungary 154 
  Chile 138 

 RS 330 
 dP 210 
 TaG 157 
 CKC 155 
 che 145 

  KinslayeR 188 
  Incog 184 
  OREL 96 
  Ray 91 
  djFlow 67 
  Dulek 64 
  Csongi 63 
  Warg 59 
  Uzurpator 50 
  Flori 49 

Welcome to Winter Worm Olympics 2009!

For the newcomers here's a short summary of what this exactly is. The Worm Olympics are basically a large amount of Worms Armageddon tournaments hosted in a short period of time. The tournaments can be hosted at any time, by anybody and with any scheme!

WWO 2009 is taking place between 19th December 2009 and 3rd January 2010.


You don't need to "register" to play in WO. Just be there when a tournament starts, sign up, and play. :)

Please read the player's guide for more information. After each tournament you play in, please upload your replays.


If you want to host your own tournament as part of WO, please read the hosting guide and rules, after that feel free to register it. :)

WormNET down?

If for some reason WormNET goes down while you are hosting/playing in a tournament, try using an alternative server.

Previous Olympics

Looking for a previous website? Check here!
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